509 Maintenance Group Research and Engineering

Develop robust and collaborative engineering solutions supporting the 509th Bomb Wing.
The technical engineering program embodied in Research and Engineering is organized to provide engineering solutions to resolve weapon system and associated support equipment deficiencies that are outside the scope of normal technical data and technician capabilities. While our mission is focused on support to the 509th Bomb Wing, Research and Engineering will provide support to any organization at Whiteman AFB.

The 509th Bomb Wing has a compelling need to maintain an on-site technical support organization supporting the B-2 and strategic bombing mission. This need originates from, but it not limited to, adversary advances in technology and military capabilities but also from a need to expedite Engineering Support Requests and other technical assistance requests necessary to maintain aging and modernize weapon systems and their support apparatus. Numerous benefits can be realized by the 509th Bomb Wing’s Research and Engineering program.

Vision and Lines of Effort 
Lead the way, Collaborate widely, Engage tenaciously. 
Three lines of effort guide the Research and Engineering program and enable this vision: 

Engineering and Technical Support
This is the core of program activity. The purpose is to provide direct maintenance support and, where appropriate, liaise between the B-2 System Program Office, key contractors, and the 509th Maintenance Group. Activities within this line of effort range from research, analysis, and supporting Engineering Support Requests (ESR), to technical expertise and organic design. 
Air Force Repair Enhancement Program (AFREP) 
Research and Engineering and AFREP will maximize collaboration to leverage the distinct capabilities of both organizations. Fundamentally, AFREP is a repair organization comprised of specially trained and skilled technicians and equipment. Research and Engineering is prepared to augment AFREP operations by providing engineering expertise and building technical data for out-of-scope requirements. 

Capability Development 
This line of effort consists of projects and lines of operation that introduce novel technologies or methods to the B-2 and its support systems. 

Sustainment Optimization 
This line of effort consists of proactive approaches towards mitigating parts-related shortages and reducing vulnerabilities affecting or anticipated to affect Aircraft Availability and/or Mission Capable Rates.