Program Overview

  • Provides support to victims alleging domestic abuse
  • Provides 24 hour/7 days a week response capability
  • Establishes and maintain current and effective safety plans
  • Notifies FAO, law enforcement, and Command if imminent risk of serious harm or death is established
  • Immediately reports any changes in the victim’s circumstances that changes or impacts the safety plan put in place
  • Advises victims of the reporting options and the military or civil actions available to promote safety
  • Offers victims information regarding their identified needs
  • Offers follow-up DAVA services to each victim to empower the victim to advocate for the safety needs of self and children
  • Advises victims of the impact of domestic violence on children and supports victim’s efforts to have children assessed and treated
  • Accompanies the victim to appointments or court proceedings when requested by the victim


  • Provides support to installation Family Advocacy Program
  • Collaborates with the installation organizations to establish a 24-hour notification of the DAVA in all incidents of suspected domestic abuse
  • Keeps FAO and designated POC (on-call mental health provider, ER, etc.) informed of current location and timelines when providing DAVA victim services
  • Establishes a contact file for each victim that contains minimal information about the allegations or nature of the incident
  • Briefs the treatment/case manager prior to the Clinical Case Staffing
  • Supports development of a coordinated community response to domestic abuse
  • Establishes liaisons and partners with civilian domestic abuse resources
  • Supports the Family Advocacy Outreach Program (OP) and New Parent Support Program (NPSP) prevention activities
  • Establishes and maintains 24-hour contact/access so that victims or potential victims are able to contact the DAVA when required

Reporting options

Restricted Reporting: A restricted report is a CONFIDENTIAL report of domestic abuse. The report allows a victim to receive medical treatment and advocacy services without notice to the victim’s or alleged offender’s commanders or law enforcement. This disclosure of domestic abuse must be made to a victim advocate, Family Advocacy, Healthcare provider, or SAPR.

Unrestricted Reporting: An unrestricted report triggers an investigation and involves legal services. Unrestricted reports include reports of domestic violence from any other source (i.e. Security Forces, Anonymous Reports, First Sergeants, etc.).

victim's rights

  • To be treated with fairness and respect for the victim's dignity and privacy
  • To receive support and counseling from a victim advocate on a 24/7 basis
  • To be informed of and accompanied to available base and community resources
  • To reasonable protection from a spouse/partner or the accused
  • To notification of any and all court proceedings
  • To be advised on all legal options and court proceedings which may take place
  • To appropriate restitution, when available

Victim & Community Resources

Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) – 660-687-1852
Airman & Family Readiness Center (A&FRC) – 660-687-7132
Chaplain – 660-687-3652
Command Post – 660-687-3778
Medical Group – 660-687-2188
Family Advocacy - 660-687-4341
Legal Office – 660-687-6809
Mental Health – 660-687-4341
Security Forces Investigations – 660-687-5911
Sexual Assault and Response (SAPR)660-687-2324
(SAPR) 24 Hour Response Line660-687-7272

Off-Base Resources

Survival House – 800-846-7597
Warrensburg Police Department – 660-747-9133
Knob Noster Police Department – 660-563-2233


24/7 Victim Assistance: