Whiteman Air Force has a unique role within the DoD’s National Defense Strategy. As we continue to operate the world’s only stealth bomber, protecting our people and our mission is critical to the continued success of our operations. As such, we need every member to Team Whiteman to practice good operational security (OPSEC).
To practice OPSEC we all need to be careful about what we post online. Things you should not be posting include, but are not limited to, deployment dates, troop movements, locations, deployment durations, and homecoming dates. Remember, just because you are acting smartly in terms of OPSEC doesn't mean your family and friends are. There are real threats out there, and it is important that we do what we can do mitigate our exposure.
One way you can reduce your online footprint and that of your family is by removing your last name from your Facebook page - this is a quick and easy step that can help reduce your visibility to people you don't know. Also, below are some more easy steps you can take to help ensure your security online.
o Understand your privacy settings. Go look at the current privacy settings you have established on the social media sites you use and remember that the safest setting for any site is "only friends".
o Don't friend people you don't know. It sounds simple but think about how many people you may be friends with online that you don't really know. If you don't know them, then why are you linked in with them?
o Limit the use of applications. Applications can be a great help, but they can also be a liability. For example, a past study revealed that many of Facebook's most popular applications were transmitting personal user information to outside servers.
o Protect your location. It is important that you do not "check in" and let the world know where you are, particularly at home, your friends' houses, or at work.
o Don't overshare. The internet doesn't forget anything - and nothing really gets deleted - so be careful about what you share. It is much easier to just not share something than it is to get that information back once it has been broadcasted in cyberspace.
As always protecting our operations is a primary concern and ensures the safety of our Airmen and our assets. It is important that we all remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to base security forces or the local police.