CARE enough to help assault victims Published April 13, 2011 By Airman 1st Class Cody Ramirez 509th Bomb Wing Public Affairs WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo. -- You'd like to think members in the U.S. Air Force and their surrounding communities don't have to deal with sexual assault, but in reality, it is a common crime even in military communities. Caring Advocates Ready and Empathetic program was revived in November 2010 to support members of this Air Force Global Strike Command base who have suffered assault. CARE is an organization designed to help victims of domestic and sexual assault by providing financial assistance. "We are here to help offset the financial burden for victims that might need to stay in a hotel over night or received child care," said Master Sgt. Monica Hamm, CARE president. "We understand what they're going through and want to help through this difficult time in their life." Sexual Assault and Response Program victims advocate identified the need for separate funds to help victims of sexual assault, and because of this need the CARE program was built. "Sometimes victims need to leave their homes to get away from the perpetrator," Sergeant Hamm said. "These victims might not have the ability to access money prior to their departure." Sergeant Hamm encouraged victims to take advantage of the program if put in a unfortunate circumstance. "We're here to help anyone in need after a sexual or domestic assault," she said. CARE is always open to volunteers for the program, according to Sergeant Hamm. "We have meetings the second Tuesday of every month at 3 p.m., in the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator's conference room," she said. "Anyone interested can and you don't have to have prior experience." Those interested in volunteering should call Sergeant Hamm at (660) 687-3937.