Standards are the minimum Published Aug. 1, 2014 By Maj. Erick Tucker 509th Communications Squadron commander WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo. -- There is no such thing as "minimum" standards. Standards are the minimum. There are standards and there is non-compliance with standards. No one wants to be on the non-compliance side of the ledger -- everyone wants to meet standards. However, in meeting standards, we should always strive to do the best we can and far exceed the standards in every aspect. This may sound like we're either meeting standards or going above the standards, but it's not. What's the difference? Attitude! It is all about your attitude and how you approach challenges and opportunities. It is about your view of life. If you strive to only meet the standard, sometimes you will succeed and sometimes you will not. However, there is no doubt just meeting the standard will soon become your way of life and will reflect in everything you touch. Soon, rather than later, you will begin to accept shortcomings. Soon not meeting the standard will become your norm. What can you do to keep this from happening? Myself, I do what I call the "Momma Check." I ask myself "would Momma be proud of my effort to do just enough or will she be most proud if I strived to excel in all I do?" Hmm, excellence in all we do. That sounds familiar. In today's Air Force good enough is not good enough. Subordinates will follow your lead and there is no place for slacking. If you are the type of person who is satisfied with just meeting standards, then change your attitude and be the example you know you should be. Attitudes, both positive and negative, are contagious. Infect everyone with positive attitudes. Have pride in your work and in your unit, and in your Air Force. Standards are the minimum and you can, and should, always strive to do more than the standard.