Commander's Commentary

  • Published
  • By Brig. Gen. Scott Vander Hamm
  • 509th Bomb Wing commander
Team Whiteman,

In an effort to better understand what issues you see on the horizon on a daily basis, we are embarking on a journey together. I am opening a new forum for you to identify the three most important problems on the horizon. They can be on any subject relating to your mission or work area--regardless of your duty title, rank, military or civilian status.

This is the continuation of a dialogue on our part to work areas we can to make your jobs and lives better...BUT it will only be a dialogue if there is participation. Hearing your voice is essential and I need hear it directly from YOU, not filtered. So, whether flightline or office related or something completely different, my intent is to garner your assistance and bring to light the top issues you see at the true boots-on-the-ground level.

The result of this dialogue will arm us with our top issues. Then we can work together to either fix them now or get us on the right path.

Your full support is requested in this effort. YOU are a part of Team Whiteman and therefore have an integral part in our mission, with this is just being another way you can contribute to our success and prevent problem areas you see just around the corner.

Submissions can be sent to or, and no particular format is required; however, I encourage you to include mission impact on the submission to ensure the problems are prioritized appropriately. There is also no set suspense for this effort. If you need to take time to think about the top issues, please do so. This project will only be as profitable as the effort
you take to put into it and really evaluate your mission.

Defensor Vindex.

-Brig. Gen. Scott Vander Hamm,

509th BW Commander