WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Missouri -- Whiteman Air Force Base’s 2020 Wings Over Whiteman Air and Space Show, scheduled for June 13 and 14, is cancelled. The base cancelled the large, public event to better confront the challenges of combatting the spread of coronavirus.
The Department of the Air Force already suspended public outreach activities and support to community events in the United States and at its overseas locations, through May 15, 2020, including on-base and civilian-sponsored air and space shows.
Although this year’s Wings Over Whiteman was scheduled for June, Whiteman AFB officials made the proactive, precautionary decision to cancel the air and space show and focus base resources on keeping Airmen and their families safe while maintaining the B-2 Spirit strategic bomber mission.
“I am disappointed to cancel Wings Over Whiteman; however, we absolutely must keep our military and civilian communities healthy and safe,” said Col Jeffrey Schreiner, 509th Bomb Wing commander. “I appreciate all the hard work that has already gone into planning the event — it is a team effort and I am personally grateful for everyone’s patience and understanding.”
Whiteman AFB plans to host the next Wings Over Whiteman Air and Space Show in 2022. For more information on the future event follow https://www.facebook.com/wingsoverwhiteman/.
There are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 at the installation. For up-to-date information, please go to www.whiteman.af.mil or contact 509th Bomb Wing Public Affairs at 660-687-5727 or by email via 509BW.Public.Affairs@us.af.mil.