WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo. -- The 509th Bomb Wing executes its mission by building a lethal force and enhancing readiness. This is also the focus of the Air Force Medical Service, aligned with Air Force senior leaders and policy-makers. With this focus in mind, the AFMS is transforming the way they provide healthcare to maximize operational medical readiness for our active duty military patients while maintaining the high quality of care delivered to our non-active duty patients.
Effective June 1, 2019, the two squadrons of the 509th MDG will be re-designated from the 509th Medical Operations Squadron and the 509th Medical Support Squadron to the 509th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron (OMRS) and the 509th Healthcare Operations Squadron (HCOS), respectively. Additionally, the efforts of the squadrons will be realigned so that the 509th OMRS has all of the active duty military patients and operational functions, while the 509th HCOS takes care of all of the non-active duty patients and the non-operational administrative and support functions.
“These changes are building an integrated healthcare system, restoring readiness and building the Air Force we need,” said Lt. Gen. Dorothy Hogg, U.S. Air Force Surgeon General, in a statement.
The 509th OMRS realignment will serve our Active Duty Airmen by enabling the 509th MDG to optimize the health of the most important weapon system—the Human Weapon System—and maintain a combat ready force. Each Whiteman AFB squadron will be enrolled to one Primary Care Manager. The exception to this is for squadron who have a combination of flyers and non-flyers or a combination of PRAP and non-PRAP patients. Those squadrons will have two PCMs.
The 509th OMRS will be incorporate the Flight & Operational Medicine Clinic, the Nuclear Operational Medicine Clinic, the Base Operational Medicine Clinic, an Active Duty Primary Care Clinic, Dental, Bioenvironmental Engineering, Public Health, Optometry, and the Physical Examination Board Liaison Officer (MEBs).
The 509th HCOS will be dedicated to the healthcare needs of enrolled family members and retirees. The 509th HCOS will incorporate the Family Health Clinic (non-active duty adults), B-2 Kids Crew clinic (Pediatrics), Women’s Health, Immunizations, Mental Health, Physical Therapy, and support functions such as Pharmacy, Radiology, Laboratory, Logistics and Facility Management, TRICARE Operations & Patient Administration, and Medical Information Systems.
What does this mean for you and your family? It means that the 509th MDG may be assigning you and/or your family to a new Primary Care Manger. For some of you, it also means that you and your dependents will no longer share the same PCM. Rest assured, this will not affect the quality of care you will receive. This change requires no further action on your part. The 509th MDG will make this transition as seamless as possible and remain focused on patients and their families.
Both squadrons take medical care very seriously and their shared main goal is to provide the highest quality, safest, and most effective patient-centered care as they strive to be the Air Force’s premier clinic—and your number one choice for your healthcare needs.
We thank you for your patience during this transition and appreciate your help in getting the word out to others. If you or your family have any comments or concerns please contact the Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator at (660) 687-2188, option #3, then select option #1. In addition, please visit the Whiteman Air Force Base Facebook page for updates.