• Six things to know: COVID-19 weekly recap for March 20

    Since the World Health Organization first declared a public health emergency, Jan. 30, 2020, Team Whiteman has proactively implemented a variety of changes to base processes and programs. These prudent measures help curb the spread of the coronavirus, and ensure Airmen, their families and the base’s

  • CMSAF Wright visits Whiteman AFB Strikers

    Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright visited Airmen stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base, October 6-8, 2019.Chief Wright is the Air Force’s top enlisted leader and provides direction to the entire enlisted force. Wright visited the Professional Development Center and Honor Guard, and

  • Seeking Better Balance: Pearls from my leadership path

    A cursory search of “leadership” on Amazon® books will return over 60,000 results. When I read, I’m always looking for practical solutions I may implement to improve my leadership style. Here are a few nuggets of wisdom I have found beneficial from my personal leadership journey. I share them in the