• True North works to keep Whiteman Airmen resilient through COVID-19

    As Airmen and their families navigate this challenging time, one organization is committed to helping keep everyone’s lives balanced and healthy through the pillars of Comprehensive Airman Fitness. Comprehensive Airman Fitness is made up of a variety of programs and activities centered on the

  • Seeking Better Balance: Pearls from my leadership path

    A cursory search of “leadership” on Amazon® books will return over 60,000 results. When I read, I’m always looking for practical solutions I may implement to improve my leadership style. Here are a few nuggets of wisdom I have found beneficial from my personal leadership journey. I share them in the

  • New Year, New You: Take control of your own health

    A new year can mean new opportunities, new discoveries and maybe a few new goals. While the New Year’s Resolution is a common tradition, many of them get abandoned long before the new year is gone again. Setting goals for a healthier you is something everyone can do, if you do it right.   “Probably