Where there's a Will, there's a way Published Jan. 31, 2014 By Legal Office 509th Bomb Wing WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo. -- Imagine you have a particular gift you want to give a friend of yours. It might be a special memento, such as an exotic knife or a vacation souvenir - something that has a lot of meaning. You tell your friend you want him to have it, but when the time comes, the government steps in and gives it to someone else. Think of how frustrated you would be! This scenario could play out in reality if you do not have a will. A will is a document that allows you to determine who gets your property in the event of your death. You can specify exactly who gets what, down to the last cent. It allows you to designate a particular person to handle your affairs after you die. It allows you to provide for your children in the way you see fit, instead of letting a court-appointed person do so. If you do not have a will, your property will be distributed according to state law. In many cases, state law works just fine. However, you might want more control over how your property is distributed. You might want to give specific items to parents, siblings or friends. You might want some of your property put into a trust to take care of your children. Or you might want to have some of your money go to a favorite church or charity. The options of how to handle your property with a will are almost limitless. Ultimately, with a will, you can direct where your property goes after your death. The 509th Bomb Wing Legal Office is here to handle the basic will needs of all active-duty, reserve, guard, and retired Service members and their dependents. The process begins by accessing the Air Force legal assistance website at: https://aflegalassistance.law.af.mil/lass/lass.html. Once there, you fill out a will worksheet and receive a ticket number. Call the Legal Office at 660-687-6809 with your ticket number, and the Legal Office will draft your will and contact you to set up an appointment. During your appointment, you will review your will to ensure it accurately reflects how you want your property to be distributed. Once you are satisfied with your will, the Legal Office will notarize it and you will leave with a peace of mind knowing that you have provided for the care of your family and the disposition of your property. Questions can be directed to the Legal Office at 660-687-6809. The Legal Office is located at 509 Spirit Blvd., Suite 203, and is open Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.