GreenUp! Summertime Energy Awareness

  • Published
  • By Ivonne Bates
  • 509th Civil Engineer Squadron Resource Efficiency Manager
At certain times of the year, we experience change in seasons that are dramatic. You will see it, feel it, and pay for it. As our climate changes, temperature rises, humidity rises, and energy costs rise.

As stewards for the Energy Program at Whiteman AFB, it is our goal to improve energy efficiencies continuously. In order to accomplish our goals we need your support.

Many of us already have taken steps to improve energy efficiency at home, but it doesn't stop there. Energy efficiency is not only the first step in being green; it is the right step towards smart operations. Energy efficiency can have a high return on investment, and the potential for savings are staggering.

Energy conservation activities at home and work starts by making the commitment to be an active participant in energy conservation. That could mean leading by example.

Be the one who steps up and turns off the lights during daylight hours when not needed. Purchase lower wattage bulbs that are ENERGY STAR rated.

According to the Department of Energy, commercial buildings are responsible for 18 percent of our nation's energy consumption. Industrial facilities use 32 percent.

As part of the installation's Energy Management Program, any new or renovated building are designed with energy-efficient systems, improvements and equipment to deliver superior energy performance.

The Whiteman AFB Energy Management team conducts research and data gathering that is vital for any potential energy project. We lay the groundwork for improving building performance by saving energy and reducing operational costs.

We do this by identifying operational and maintenance enhancements that result in improvements in energy efficiencies. It is our responsibility to collect, consolidate, validate, input, and analyze the installation's energy and water usage data monthly to ensure compliance with Air Force goals.

This is not a job we can do alone. This takes the effort of every person on the installation to be stewards in conserving energy. This is a continuous effort we all face. Setting goals, implementing strategies, and reaping the gains take constant awareness. Awareness is the essential foundation for an effective energy program at our installation.

As we do our part to become more energy efficient, we are also benefitting the environment. Reducing energy use reduces the amount of air pollutants. So let's GreenUp Whiteman!

Did you know?
· Cell phone adapters plugged into outlets still use energy even if they are not charging your cell phone.
· Keeping blinds or some type of window covering closed during daylight hours on sunny days to keep out the heat of sun aids in saving energy.
· A computer screen saver generally does not save energy. In some cases, it may cause the computer to burn twice as much energy.
· By making energy-efficient choices, we can reduce our energy use and save money while protecting the environment.