From the Frontlines: Master Sgt. Daniel Lauseng

  • Published
  • By Heidi Hunt
  • 509th Bomb Wing Public Affairs
Some Airmen are no strangers to multiple deployments, and Master Sgt. Daniel Lauseng, 509th Operations Group wing intelligence superintendent, is one of them. After being away for six months from Whiteman AFB, he recently returned from Southwest Asia, Jan. 4, completing his sixth deployment.

While deployed, Lauseng was the Joint Information Support Task Force Special Operations plan in concept format NCO in charge.

"Without the NCOIC position the duties would be performed by another sourced intelligence analyst," Lauseng said. "This would diminish the productivity of that analyst since that billet would then be tasked with multiple extra duties."

It would also limit the prolonged support we could provide to Special Operations Forces in the area of responsibility degrading the unit's mission, according to Lauseng.

His diverse training and experience allowed him and his team to accommodate the duty day at Special Operations Command Central and the Psychological Operations Group at Fort Bragg, N.C.

"My daily duties consisted of supporting a team of intelligence analysts from the Army and Air Force," Lauseng said. "Each analyst belonged to a Regional Focus Group who was responsible for a specific portion of the AOR.

"For example, one RFG was responsible for the Arabian Peninsula which included country states such as Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, UAE, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and others," he said. In turn, each group supported SOF stationed within their respective AOR."

Lauseng said the job he performed in Southwest Asia was twofold.

"The first part consisted of providing intelligence support in the development of concept plans," he said.

These plans were used in the overall development of operational plans which supported and furthered national policies, according to Lauseng.

"Also, I provided a 'psychological' intelligence perspective to the intelligence analysis process," he said. "At Whiteman the mission focus is preparing B-2 aircrews for combat by developing mission planning and execution support materials."

Lauseng said his deployment was different compared to others and it was an untimely rewarding and a fulfilling experience.

The best part about his deployment was friendships and contacts he made. He also said working with the Army provided him with another perspective of Air Force capabilities.

While his deployment was notable, Lauseng said there were things he missed about home.

"I missed my wife, family and three cockapoos," he said. "Being away for six months no matter where you are can be difficult. Other honorable mentions include: air, water and food quality."

His supervisor, Maj. Deano Busch, 509th OSS wing intelligence chief, said Lauseng is an outstanding Senior NCO who is always willing to step up to the next challenge.

"We are all excited to have him back and look forward to when he returns to work," Busch said.

"This deployment has reinforced what I already know and I am very proud, now more than ever, to be an Airman in the U.S. Air Force," Lauseng said. "I would not change it for anything."