Contractor housing
WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo. -- An overhead view of temporary housing built near Whiteman for the firm of Morrison, Hardeman, Perrini, and Level, which received the prime contract for construction of hardened, underground launch facilities and 15 launch control centers Jan. 17, 1962. In June 1961, the Department of Defense chose Whiteman to host the fourth Minuteman ICBM wing. The construction project called for the excavation of 867,000 cubic yards of earth and rock. The contractors used 168,000 yards of concrete, 25,355 tons of reinforcing steel and 15,120 tons of structural steel. In addition, the project called for the installation of a vast underground intersite cable network. If laid end to end in a straight line, this cable would stretch from Whiteman to 100 miles beyond Los Angeles. Construction of the complex was officially completed in June 1964. (U.S. Air Force photo)