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  • Fun Dental Facts for Kids

    Did you know that 50 percent of people say a smile is the first thing they notice about someone? Smiling represents confidence and an overall state of happiness for people of all ages. It seems children have the right idea … they smile on average 400 times per day!

  • How well do you know baby teeth?

    National Children’s Dental Health Month is right around the corner and the Dental Clinic staff at Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri hopes to improve understanding and awareness for the importance of oral health. Here is a quiz to test your knowledge of some common dental topics.

  • Complete NIP, receive free teeth whitening trays

    Have you ever wondered why your dentist has you stick out your tongue and say “ahhh” or why the dentist feels on your neck and chin when you get a dental exam? Most patients expect to have their teeth and gums examined, but many may not realize that they are also being screened for head and neck